Summer is coming to an end...
Welcome to my blog...This is the corner of my world where I can share the adventures of being a La Jolla hairstylist specializing in weddings and styling. You will find inspirational photos of the latest trends in cut/color/styling, and well as little stories here and there from my life. Currently I became a mom Dec. 2015 to the sweetest little boy...He has opened my heart to an enormous love. Thank you for sharing in my adventures.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Hot Mullet Men
And, I realized there are a few mullets that I'm kind of okay with. Kid mullets, rock star mullets, biker mullets, punk/hipster mullets, soccer mullets.. I've only ever cut 2 mullets one was cool for a client who was in a band, and he tried all sorts of cuts. I always looked forward to cutting his hair because it might be a mullet, it might be a rat tail, it might be pretty much all shaved short with lines carved into his hair. But, I also did one in beauty school for a cross gender man that wanted to look like a woman...It wasn't cute. I wonder if I'll ever date a mullet man..It's not really my ideal style, but who knows..hahah
Here are the mullets I'm kind of into...
At last Saturday's Timber's game I had such a hard time not cheering whenever David Beckham made a goal against our team. My friend Monica and I had the be
st time just watching him play.
Brad Pitt sporting a mullet..
Some of my major celebrity crushes growing up...

A rock climber that I'd gladly cut his hair into some crazy style..I've always been a fan of Jason Kehl's creative, wild hair..
Okay Braveheart was a badass and he has a mullet.
One thing that I thought was funny in the Mullet of the guys seems to think that his mullet will attract lesbians..And, he seems to think that's a good thing because you know how much lesbians love men.. hhmm...I also like that lesbians don't want to hang out with the type of guy who has a mullet and mullet men don't want to hang out with lesbians, but this is a hairstyle they both share..It's kind of sweet...
OKAY I AM NOT PROMOTING THIS HAIRSTYLE...But, I have to admit I've had a crush on mullet men all my life I guess..I didn't even realize this...Now I think I would like all of them more with just a short kind of buzzed hair, but somehow the mullets work... It's a mystery. There is something wild about this hairstyle..It's usually not good...What do you guys think?
Hairstylist Kira Pinski FB
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Pink/Purple Hair
Thank you to my lovely client Maia for introducing me to this fun color demo...And, I love her pegasis, glitter shirt at the end!!! So fun!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
I heart Audrey
Had a lovely Saturday night after a long day at the salon. This is my second month of netflix, and I've been catching up on movies...Tonight I spent the evening with Audrey Hepurn at Tiffany's... I think I saw this once at 17 because I loved Audrey Hepurn. I didn't really get it then. At 32 I can understand the girl that I dressed up as in college for Halloween in my black dress with a feather boa sewn to the bottom, sunglasses, long gloves, jewels, and a 40 of schlitz malt liquor in a classy white paper bag.

poster from my room in college from a friend

wish I could have had her in Salon Capelli
And, I could still probably sing every song from this movie:)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Lana Del Rey
Just reading the Music section in People Magazine from Feb...I'm always a little behind..
people magazine write up
After her much-maligned appearance on SNL last month, you might doubt if Lana Del Rey is the real deal. Born to Die, though, lives up to the hype that scored her the SNL gig before her debut album was even released. The chanteuse, who fancies herself the "gangsta Nancy Sinatra," conjures an alluring potion of sultry torch pop, hypnotic trip-hop and David Lynchian atmospherics.
....I read the Nancy Sinatra/David Lynch reference, and I had to check her out. I grew up loving Frank Sinatra he sang about love, but he spent a lot of time in Vegas, Florida living a life full of controversy. He was associated with the mob. He left his wife for Ava Gardner. Then was married to Mia Farrow 21, Sinatra age 50. Old blue eyes was definitely a character. And, part of me had a crush on him until he died when I was a senior in high school.
Lana Del Rey's songs capture that part of a girls heart that is slightly crazy, obsessive, and dark...
She's not my new favorite singer, but something about her voice is addictive.
And, yes...I love her hair and makeup...especially the deep side part of start like Ava Garder, Veronica Lake, and Lauren Bacall.
Friday, March 23, 2012
I'm in Danger of becoming a Red Head...

I think by mid summer I'm going to transform into a red head..Too many of my clients are asking for red...or Seriously Orange hair.. they aren't afraid of going more and more orange..And, I find myself wanting this for myself too..I love my brown hair, but I want a little adventure in my life for a while...Maybe I'll slowly begin it now, go full on for summer, and maintain it through the holidays and fading back to brown after Christmas.. Sound like a hair plan:) I know it's more high maintenance, but it's time for a little fun!!

Here are a few movies and music that inspire me for carrot red...

Florence and the Machine.. So powerful

In college Run Lola Run and Fifth Element had characters I loved. They were powerful yet vulnerable, almost unreal, feeling out of sorts with the world, yet very much present and alive in it. I love the German and alien which I can't understand..Sometimes I feel like this in life..too much verbal information to take in everyday..Yet, somehow we all manage to figure it out:)

During my junior year, I dyed my hair bright red to go rock climbing in the Red River Gorge...We had to bleach it out and dye it with manic panic...It came out hot pink..And, that was perfect for me!! I think it stayed like that with a few more dye jobs for a semester before my parents expressed how much they didn't like it...I'm 31 now..It's not going pink..But, I can amp up the color a little...On my 70th birthday..maybe 63 I'm definitely going pink again...When my hair is all white there will be no point in maintaining this natural illusion..

Lynn Yaeger fashion editor for Vogue
And, for my romantic heart:) Who doesn't love Nicole Kidman's red hair..
And, who did we all want to be as little girls..Ginger..The movie star... I liked Maryanne, but she wasn't even a millionaire's wife..What did she do before ending up on the island? Was she there with the professor?
this was just way too funny..I had to include it..And, what is going on with Mrs. Howell's hair?
The Stars...
I read this week in Glamour Magazine.. guy's take on.... Redheads..."They are like the unicorns of women-except they really exist." ....Anything to be more like a unicorn. magic. free. strong.
I might just ponder this over more tea for a while...
Monday, March 19, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Song of the day:)
Hi blog world,
Realize it's been a while since I've posted.. So, here is a video I recently found that I love..I know it's 4 yrs. old, but I'm just discovering it now...There are a whole series of these surprise concerts in streets and cafe's.. The horns, strings,accordion, and a voice that is dreamy will hopefully be a taste of sunshine on another Portland rainy day..
Realize it's been a while since I've posted.. So, here is a video I recently found that I love..I know it's 4 yrs. old, but I'm just discovering it now...There are a whole series of these surprise concerts in streets and cafe's.. The horns, strings,accordion, and a voice that is dreamy will hopefully be a taste of sunshine on another Portland rainy day..
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Salon Capelli has Pureology on sale 20% off shampoo and conditioner while supplies last as we transition into our new packaging!!!!

Zero Waste Packaging!!
* Formulas dispense easily to ensure you never waste a drop
* Bottles are made of 50% post-consumer recycle materials and are 100% recyclable
* Shampoo packaging now uses 39% less water during the manufacturing process; conditioner packaging uses 37% less water
With the new manufacturing process Pureology saves 60,000 gallons of water a year!! That's huge!!!
Haven't tried Pureology?...What makes us different?
* Highly concentrated formulas (delivering about 70 applications/bottle)
*Zero Sulfate shampoos do not have sodium laurel sulfate as the lathering agent, a harsh salt that has been used since the 50's when women moved to shampooing more often instead of lye soap. Pureology wanted to create something more gentle that helps preserve color. The Pureology lather is made of corn, coconut,and sugar, so gentle on the hair and scalp.
* The exclusive AntiFadeComplex inclues essential antioxidants to defend against colour-fading free radicals, plus full spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreens
*100% Vegan formulas. no animal testing, products, or byproducts
We are so excited to have the new Pureology bottles in the salon:) Come check them out!!!

Zero Waste Packaging!!
* Formulas dispense easily to ensure you never waste a drop
* Bottles are made of 50% post-consumer recycle materials and are 100% recyclable
* Shampoo packaging now uses 39% less water during the manufacturing process; conditioner packaging uses 37% less water
With the new manufacturing process Pureology saves 60,000 gallons of water a year!! That's huge!!!
Haven't tried Pureology?...What makes us different?
* Highly concentrated formulas (delivering about 70 applications/bottle)
*Zero Sulfate shampoos do not have sodium laurel sulfate as the lathering agent, a harsh salt that has been used since the 50's when women moved to shampooing more often instead of lye soap. Pureology wanted to create something more gentle that helps preserve color. The Pureology lather is made of corn, coconut,and sugar, so gentle on the hair and scalp.
* The exclusive AntiFadeComplex inclues essential antioxidants to defend against colour-fading free radicals, plus full spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreens
*100% Vegan formulas. no animal testing, products, or byproducts
We are so excited to have the new Pureology bottles in the salon:) Come check them out!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope you fall in love with Pureology!!
I love being cheesy:)
I love being cheesy:)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
John Robert's Salon

How many of you asked for this haircut in the early 90's? The "Rachel"
I remember this was my first "real" haircut. In 8th grade, my aunt Tina took me to her salon outside of Cleveland, OH to get a hair makeover. I felt so special, so grown I was being initiated into womanhood or at least becoming a cool teenager. I felt like this haircut would get me a boyfriend which didn't happen because I was so shy and had horrible acne. But, the "Rachel" made me feel like a new person and gave me more confidence..The hair and the experience at the salon made me feel beautiful. I remember walking through the halls after my Spanish class thinking how great my hair felt and wondering if anyone noticed the time I had spent round brushing it to perfection with my Aveda Elixer. This is the first time I can remember really loving my hair.
I grew up in Indiana, PA, a small college town in Western Pennsylvania. Most people who got high end haircuts went to Monroeville or Pittsburgh. But, I went to John Robert's Salon in Mayfield Heights outside of Cleveland, OH. The salon opened in 1993. I was there the very first or second year that Stacy and John DiJulius opened their doors. John Robert's Salon has now been named one of the TOP 20 SALONS IN AMERICA. Stacy was my aunt Tina's hairdresser for years in a small Aveda salon in Cleveland, Stacy brought her husband into the world of hair. At that point John was a little less expensive, so he did my cut. An assistant shampooed and conditioned my hair with Aveda products, and another assistant blew it out. After my style the assistant put on a little lip gloss. She also told me I only needed mascara on the top eye lashes and then to blink. During these services, Stacy came over to talk to me and Tina. She was beautiful and kind with dark hair and light eyes like Elizabeth Taylor. I wanted to be just like her.
As a hairdresser, I have loved watching John Robert's Salon grow and John DiJulius become a leader in customer service. John has written books on customer service including "Secret Service" and "What's the Secret". He presents all over the US, and he does service coaching for The Ritz-Carlton, Lexus, Nordstroms, Starbucks, Cheesecake Factory, and more. I have heard his name mentioned at NAHA (North American Hairstylist Awards). I am honored to have him cut the "Rachel" for me all those years ago. John DiJulius is still an inspiration today.
I only had 2 haircuts at John Robert's Salon, but I have never forgotten how special I felt. In our lives we can truly make a difference to everyone we interact with. Although we can not remember everyone we come in contact with, people might remember how you made them feel...So, smile, be kind, encouraging, and give a little love into the world...You make a difference!
Thank you to my mom and aunt Tina for providing this experience...
Thank you John and John Robert's Salon for this beautiful memory:)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Men's Trends
Since posting the girl trends at the salon the guys have been asking me about what's the latest tend for men's hair...Well here's a quick view before I head on my Tucson climbing trip!! Can't wait to get some sunshine!!

Nick Wooster, the Men's Fashion Director of Neiman Marcus Group Services
Very short on the sides and working with his natural sweeping motion of the hairline.. Nick Wooster is the definition of men's style.

Johnny Depp sporting a little bit of color..Ombre for men? Haven't done any of this in the salon yet, but maybe this summer...See how the ends get lighter looking like it happened in summer...nope..happened at the salon:)

Biggest thing for men..go with what works with your hair..if you have curl play it up..Find 1 or 2 products that work for you and try something new..You can use a light silicone like Pureology Shine Max just to take away some of the puffiness..kind of like making your hair second day hair right out of the shower..great on your hair or on a coarse beard..Try it;)
Also, stop using bar soap on your hair..The soap is not meant for the scalp and can clog your hair follicles making it hard to hold on to your hair and causing possible thinning..Also, for thinning hair try taking biotin, healthy diet, and sleep...
okay..that's what I've got for quick update on men's hair..

Very short on the sides and working with his natural sweeping motion of the hairline.. Nick Wooster is the definition of men's style.

Guys are keeping it short and long...I'm seeing a lot of well kept facial hair...beards, mustaches, handlebar guys are just having way too much fun!!!!

Biggest thing for men..go with what works with your hair..if you have curl play it up..Find 1 or 2 products that work for you and try something new..You can use a light silicone like Pureology Shine Max just to take away some of the puffiness..kind of like making your hair second day hair right out of the shower..great on your hair or on a coarse beard..Try it;)
Also, stop using bar soap on your hair..The soap is not meant for the scalp and can clog your hair follicles making it hard to hold on to your hair and causing possible thinning..Also, for thinning hair try taking biotin, healthy diet, and sleep...
okay..that's what I've got for quick update on men's hair..
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