Thank you to my lovely clients that chopped their locks for this wonderful cause...
You can send 10 inches of unbleached hair to
Locks of Loveor
8 inches of hair to
Pantene Beautiful LengthsBoth charities have different donating requirements, so read everything before making a plan to cut your hair:)
Remember that it doesn't have to be 10 inches cut all over..Sometimes I just take ponytails from the back so that there is more to work with in the front. I find that making more ponytails leaves a better layout for the hair when I'm ready to cut and more to work with.. For example, if the layers on top are not 8-10 inches just section them out and don't include them in the donation.
It's better to have more hair to work with during the transformation..
If you are going in for a Locks of Love haircut tell your stylist that you are planning on donating your hair. They might need a little more time to do the initial cutting, sectioning, consulting, and showing you new ways to wear your new hair..
I believe energy is stored in hair. Clients change their hair drastically when they go through major life changes or when they need to redefine themselves..During breakups/divorces, after a baby or a new marriage, after a miscarriage or loss of a parent, when they are transitioning jobs or thinking about transitioning, starting or ending chapters of their life...These times call for change and letting go of one look and moving into another. Hair can be a way to feel control in times when so much is uncertain...It's your hairstylists job to figure out why you want a major change, what you are really ready for, and making sure you only go as dramatic as you will be happy with in 2 weeks or a month..Sometime it's good to think about it before chopping all of your hair..It grows about 1/2 inch a month..So, before you drastically chop, perm, or color consider that this is your new look for a while..As always time passes and hair grows..
I love releasing the long Locks of Love hair as a way to restore balance to my world. I send off 1 or 2 donations a year whenever I'm having a hard day or need to let go in order to move on to the next phase in life. It's a ritual I've been doing for about 3 years now, and it really makes me feel better sending love into the world from me and my clients. I save it at home in my closet until just the right time...And, today was the perfect day:)
lots of love.