Okay something quick while the excitement is still fresh from the LADY GAGA PORTLAND CONCERT!! Yes it was so, so RAD!!
So, the day started out at 12:00 at Venus Allure Salon and Spa were we prepped models for the Sempre Fashion preparty/ fashion show at the Rose Room at the Rose Garden Coliseum...There were 4 makeup artists Mindy Budd, M'chel Bauxal, Madeline Roosevelt, and maybe 1 or 2 more..There were at least 6 hairstylists all doing 1 or 2 styles. Each style was very involved and took hours of at home prep work, a lot of fake hair and materials which can be costly, and a lot of time attaching them to the head and setting the hair...This show was hair event...It was truly amazing to work with so many talented stylists and see what they came up with...A special shout out to David Scott for his work on Libby Boggs and Nichole Stewart for her work on Irina Dmitrieva these shapes were one of a kind. You guys rocked it!!

wardrobe: Paloma Soledad/Robb Kramer MYTHAUS
model: Libby Boggs
makeup: Mindy Budd
hair: David Scott

photography: Mark Coffin
wardrobe: Paloma Soledad/Robb Kramer MYTHAUS
body painting: Robb Kramer
model: Miken/ Heffner
makeup: Mindy Budd
hair: Kira Pinski
I will blog about Miken's hair construction by next Wednesday:) I felt so bad..even though it was hallow it was still heavy and the bobbypins from the wire head piece and hair piece were really pulling..Her hair is a chin length, layered bob with bangs...
Lady Gaga's hair was dark yellow ends, blond mid shaft and dark brown roots at least 1 inch grown out..I'm not sure if this was because of her busy tour schedule, but I'm guessing she doesn't care or it's intentional. I could only see it with binoculars.. From our seats it just made her side part stand out more which was kind of good visually. One of my favorite costumes was a hair outfit. It looked like white hair covering hula hoops held over her even over her head and completely covered on top like a hula hoop hat. She danced with them and the hair really flew..If I find this online I will try to post it..I would love to make something like that..but, it would be pretty expensive just to make for fun...If anyone wants to supply a bunch of hair I will make it for them...
All in all it was a super fun day getting to be part of the Lady Gaga festivities... I wore my white afro wig..I felt a little silly, but it was fun standing out in the crowd..and, when else can you do that you "little monsters" except at the Gaga Show!! It was fun having strangers ask to take photos with me and friends:) I saw a lot of wild hair and clothes at the show, and I hope when she tours here again people will be even more over the top!! Let's live it up Portland!!